Monday, March 28, 2011

Top 10 date-producing countries

The chart shows the amount of date production in tonnes for the top producers in 2001.

First, Egypt took the top spot with over one million tones. However Iran was close to Egypt with 0.9 million tonnes. Joined third were the UAE and Saudi Arabia with approximately 700 to 740 thousand tonnes. Iran and Pakistan had equal productions, about 650 thousand tones but, they were less than the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Next come Al Geri, who had lower than Pakistan and Iran, and it is production was nearly 400 thousand tonnes. Sudan and Libya are the smallest date producers in 2001.

In conclusion, as we can see, Egypt is the biggest date producer. Iran get second place and the lowest productions are from Libya and Sudan. The total of all these countries was around 6,400,000 tonnes.       

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